Ready to repay your loan?
Are you selling your home?
Please contact us to discuss the repayment process and provide a completed Notice of Intent to Sell form. We'll walk you through the process, provide clear next steps and a list of required documentation, including:
Fully Ratified Purchase Agreement
Fair Market Appraisal
Contact information for the Title Company
Are you refinancing your home?
Please contact Teresa Hester with the County of Alameda at to discuss the repayment process when you refinance. Please note that you may refinance your first mortgage without paying back your AC Boost loan if you are refinancing to take advantage of a better interest rate and you are receiving no cash out of the transaction. You will still need to work with the County so your new lender can obtain a subordination to complete the transaction. No junior equity lines of credit are allowed.
Are you keeping your home but ready to pay off or partially pay off your AC Boost loan?
Please contact Teresa Hester with the County of Alameda at to make a payment on your AC Boost loan or to pay off the loan completely. Please note that a Fair Market Appraisal will need to be ordered, which the borrower will be responsible with paying for. Also, if you wish to partially payoff the loan a new loan principal and share of appreciation will be calculated based on appreciation to-date and the amount of payment. A loan modification agreement will be signed and recorded to evidence the change.